In Remembrance Of
In great Memory, to the first man who loved me! To the man, who instilled in me the value of hard work, dedication, and loyalty. I dedicate this Shoetique to you! My fetish for shoes started with you. Although, we found love in sneakers, we also found a love for simply having a nice shoe no matter the occasion!
Thank you for never leaving my side and always being the father that I needed and that God chose specifically for me! Thank you for teaching me the value of true love! Thanks for never giving up on me even when I wasn’t the best daughter I could be or when I was slacking! You were the push I needed to keep going! Even on some of my worst days, your daily calls lifted me up and would spark something in me to keep going! Your fight to live, while you were here, serves a constant reminder and motivation to keep me going! Your thoughtfulness and willingness to help others is what motivates to give my last in someone's time or need! You always reminded me that God would look out and bless me! Those long Daddy-daughter talks will never be forgotten. The yearly Valentines will always remind me of your love for me! The old school music will always remind me of our bonding times that were always so special and needed. Our fishing trips will always remind me of a way to a calm place and to mellow out! Our daily talks full of laughter and being nosey will always be remembered and will be a memory that will never fade! I will always Love you Daddy!!! You’re forever in my daily thoughts and heart!!! Forever your Boot!!